Sites naturels Mondoeco

Dans cette rubrique vous trouverez une liste complète des sites naturels, parcs nationales et régionaux, sites natura2000, et Réserves de Biosphère qui sont indiqués sur notres cartes.

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Cité-Ville: Typologie

Slowinskie Bloto - Pologne - Darłowo
The Slowinskie Bloto refuge is situated in West-Pomeranian Voivodeship, on the area of Darlowo commune. It is listed in European Natura 2000 Network as the Site of Community Importance. This is the only stand of dome-shaped peat preserve in Pomerania. Vast part of the area is overgrown by mixed forests, and near the peatbog there are deciduous mainly beech and beech-oak forests. 
Snežnik - Slovénie - Ilirska Bistrica
Snežnik is an important nature-conservancy area, which sufficed for it to be stipulated as a NATURA 2000 area, particularly owing to its biodiversity, which is among the highest in Slovenia. The Rakov Škocjan valley bears the status of a nature park, whereas the Snežnik Hill has been proclaimed a botanical reserve. Among the area's animal and plant species and habitat types that are either endangered and/or of European concern, let us mention just a few: the Brown Bear, Wolf, Lynx, Mountain Pine, subalpine Beech forest, karst limestone grasslands. All these species and habitat types...
Snowshoeing from the slopes of Brusson (1860m) to Refuge ARP (2400), the initial section to share with skiers to arrive in a beautiful valley silent and untouched. Height difference discreet, not too demanding, the refuge offers a very nice fantastic hospitality and a beautiful view, as well as suggestions for further excursions. 
Sölktäler - Autriche - Großsölk
Idyllic mountain villages, blossoming alp life, wild mountain streams and the Sölker marble are typical for the Nature Park Sölktäler. In the Nature Park house Schloss Großsölk or in the Jesuit's garden with more than 200 different, old kinds of vegetables, herbs and flowers variety becomes experienceable. There are interesting details to the Sölker marble to discover on a tour through the site. The winter magic of the snow-covered mountain villages can be experienced at a snow-shoe or ski tour. 
Správa CHKO Pálava - République tchèque - Mikulov
Pálava lies in the northwest promontory of the Panonská lowlands. It is the warmest and almost the most arid area in the Czech Republic, and therefore vines are cultivated here. Because of this climate some plant species that do not occur anywhere else in the country grow here. The colourful mosaic of arid rock grass, fringe communities, thermophilous bushes and thermophilous oakwoods on the Děvín slopes, which originated partly due to the influence of grazing, is called karst forest steppe. The Děvín forest plateaus are dominated by sparse loess oakwoods...
Spreewald - Network Natura 2000 - Allemagne - Lübbenau
The Spreewald Biosphere Reserve is situated 100 km south-east of Berlin in the Lausitz region. It is known for its traditional irrigation system which consists of 1,300 km small channels (called ‘Fliesse’) within the 48,400 hectares area. The landscape was shaped during the ice-age. Alder forests on wetlands and pine forests on sandy dry areas are characteristical for the region, however, also grasslands and fields can be found. About 50,000 people live in the biosphere reserve (1998). Many of them are descendants of the first settlers in the Spreewald region, the Slavic...
Stari Begej - Carska Bara is a remnant of the once flooded area in the lower Begej River. It is a mosaic of fishponds, swamp, marsh, forest, meadow, and steppe intersected by rivers, canals, and embankments. Vegetation consists of salt-tolerant communities, a rich aquatic flowering plant community, and steppe vegetation. The diversity of biotopes gives rise to high species diversity at the site and includes various rare, endangered, or vulnerable fish, birds, plants, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Manager on the Reserve is a private company ”Ečka Fishfarms” from Lukino...
Few steps away from the most well-known cities of the coast, a charming hilly region, with landscapes of unexpected beauty, reveals the image of a province that, together with its towns, proves to be rich in history, culture and traditions, within which wine and food represent one of the most appreciated expressions. Fortified towns and villages, castles and forts, artistic and monumental excellences, wine caves and wheat holes, testify even more the installations of the Malatesta family, which gave to the land of Rimini a strong historical and cultural identity. The Strada dei...
L'itinerario si colloca nella zona centrale della provincia di Piacenza, e comprende la Val Tidone, la Val Trebbia, la Val Nure e la Val D’Arda. Attraversa paesaggi agricoli fatti di vigne ma anche di castelli, di borghi medievali, di siti romanici (da qui passa la Via Francigena), di siti archeologici. I castelli in particolare, di fondazione medievale, segnati poi dalla storia ducale, sono da annoverare tra le più belle testimonianze del genere. Il territorio è ricchissimo dal punto di vista enogastronomico: oltre alla più alta percentuale regionale di...
Si colloca in quella parte della provincia di Parma, racchiusa fra la via Emilia ed il Po, chiamata comunemente Bassa: un territorio ricco di arte, storia, cultura e di un ambiente naturale unico fatto di nebbie e suggestioni. In queste terre nacque e visse Giuseppe Verdi, di queste terre scrisse Giovannino Guareschi. Accanto a sontuose dimore come la Reggia di Colorno, la Rocca di Fontanellato, la Rocca di Soragna, di San Secondo e Roccabianca si conserva la tradizione enogastronomica più ricca di tutta la regione. Culatello, Spalla, Parmigiano e Fortana i tesori da scoprire insieme...
Strada del Prosciutto - Italie - Palanzano
Questo itinerario si sviluppa nella fascia collinare orientale del Parmense, in una porzione compresa tra le valli del Taro ad Ovest e dell’Enza ad Est. Il territorio è ricco di parchi naturali, di acque termali, di pievi romaniche collocate sull’antico percorso della Via Francigena, di importantissimi castelli occhieggianti fra i vigneti collinari. Cuore della “food valley”, i suoi prodotti sono conosciuti in tutto il mondo: Prosciutto e Parmigiano si accompagnano ai vini DOC come la Malvasia, senza dimenticare il salame di Felino e la coppa di Parma con tutta...
Il percorso nasce sulla base della prima via enologica italiana, fondata nel 1966 proprio in questa zona; ne mantiene le caratteristiche principali e ne condivide numerosi tratti, ma allo stesso tempo la integra con nuovi percorsi, che propongono al visitatore ulteriori possibilità: non solo vino, dunque, che pure rimane il protagonista incontrastato, ma anche paesaggi, ambiente, cultura e tradizioni enogastronomiche locali.
Strada del Riso - Italie - Isola della Scala
Dal 1996, fra i prodotti contrassegnati dal prestigioso marchio europeo I.G.P. (Indicazione Geografica Protetta), c’è il Riso Nano Vialone Veronese, perla della risicoltura italiana le cui radici affondano nelle limpide acque di risorgiva che solcano la fertile pianura veronese e in una tradizione risiera che vanta origini antiche. Questo prodotto eccellente è il frutto di una terra e di una cultura del buon vivere e del buon mangiare tipicamente italiane. La sua purezza, i metodi di coltivazione, di lavorazione e di presentazione al consumo sono garantiti dal Consorzio...
Studinita Forest - Roumanie - Studiniţa
Wooden vegetation is being dominated by the soft oak ( Quercus pubescens ) that mades a clean and unique coppice in Olt county and in Romania too. Most of the trees get beyond 100 years, distributed at a certain distance some towards others, letting open spaces ( glades ) covered with herbaceous vegetation.
Suldtal - Suisse - Aeschi bei Spiez
Point d'entrée pour la randonnée long de la rivière Suld dans la vallée Suld est la station de bus Aeschi-Aeschiried. Le Suldtal est une réserve naturelle, soit botaniquement soit faunistiquement très intéressant (orchidées, de poulet de montagne ..). A Pochtenfall il y des établissements de restauration, les petits lacs sont appropriés pour les enfants à jouer. Il vaut la peine de monter jusqu'aux Pochtenfällen, là vous aurez une magnifique vue sur la chute d'eau. Il est également...
The Sunart Oakwoods Initiative (SOI) is a major and developing project, which aims to restore and expand the native woodlands of the wider Sunart area, to bring local conservation, economic and amenity benefits. It involves a number of partner agencies and the local communities, and covers an area extending West from the A830 encompassing Moidart, Ardgour, Morvern and Ardnamurchan. While this area is not extensively covered in native woodland the project aims to increase the range of woodland in this area, improve the conservation value of the area and ensure that the rural development...
Sutjeska National Park - Bosnie-Herzégovine - Republika Srpska
The park is home to one of the last two remaining primeval forests in Europe, called Perućica. Beech trees tower over 60 metres high and endemic black pines stem from the rocky faces that protect the ancient forest. Skakavac waterfall can be seen from the look-out point – this seventy five meter plus waterfall is dwarfed by the massive blanket of green trees that cover the valley. The Sutjeska river has carved a valley through the middle of the park and divides Zelengora Mountain 2014 m) from Maglić (2386 m), Volujak (2337 m) and Bioč (2388 m) Mountains.
Szatmár-Bereg - Hongrie - Mátészalka
The area which is managed by Hortobágy National Park Directorate includes three regions (Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, Hajdú-Bihar, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg) and this means 1.747.744 hectares. The area of the national park is planned part of the net of NATURA 2000 (SAC and SPA). The aim of preservation is "... to protect and maintain the protected plant and animal species, natural plant communities, the specific scenic characteristic features, the landforms, surface waters, grasses and other agricultural areas, forests, alleys determine the external character of...
Szenas Hills - Hongrie - Pilisszentiván
Since the end of the 19th century, the dolomite hills of the Szénás area in the Buda Hills have been considered among the most important natural areas of Hungary. The plant communities provide habitat for a number of endemic and relic species, among them the Dolomite flax (Linum dolomiticum), which is unique to the site. The Council of Europe recognised its significance by awarding the European Diploma in 1995. In 2003, support to nature management on the site has been received from the LIFE-Nature Fund of the European Union. 
Tåkern - Network Natura 2000 - Suède - Vadstena
On the land around the lake many speices of breeding birds can be found, for exemple Penduline Tit and Osprey. On the lakeside meadows you can find many rare flowers, e. g. several species orchids. Tåkern is a Nature reserve since 1975 and is included in Natura 2000.
Tana River Primate Reserve - Kenya - Tana River
The primate reserve is located 350km east of Nairobi and 240km north of Mombasa in Tana River district of coast province. The ecosystem consists of riparian forests, dry woodlands and savannah habitats on the east and west of the lower Tana River. The reserve was established to protect the Tana riverine forest and the two endangered primates, Mangabey and the red colobus monkey. The two primate species are the major wildlife attraction in the reserve. The ecosystem is also a stronghold for birdlife with over 200 species recorded in the area. These include the White-winged Apalis, African...
Situated in the eastern part of Pest county, the Tápió Region is one of those special landscapes in Hungary that still have plenty of natural attractions to offer to nature lovers. Steep loess hills, desert-like sand dunes and marshlands recalling the ancient landscape of the Great Hungarian Plain welcome visitors here. Natural beauty coupled with the rich ethnographic traditions of the region and the genuine countryside hospitality of the residents all guarantee an unforgettable tourist experience. The diversity of the Tápió Region derives from its particular...
Tatry National Park - Network Natura 2000 - Slovaquie - Starý Smokovec
The highest part of the Carpathians with typical alpine landscape, difference in altitudes 700 - 2655 m, highest biodiversity including whole range of large European predators, many endemic and relict species. Bilateral National Park (Slovakia/Poland) as well as Biosphere Reserve.    Soft type of wood management, leaving tree and wood mass in forest, raising part of natural renewal, renew primal specific composition of forest, elimination of secondary trees in forest, skiving and consecutive removal of biomass 1 x yearly, upkeeping adequate water treatment, improvement of water...
The Natural Park of Montioni - Italie - Suvereto
Covering 7000 hectares between the Valley of Cornia and Pecora, in the range of hills between Massa Marittima and Superato. These hills, of a medium height, are covered by woods, especially Holm-Oak, and represent a landscape of vegetation closely tied to the work of man, in particular to the production of coal and timber.
The New Forest SAC - Royaume-Uni - The Grove
The New Forest supports a complex mosaic of wildlife habitats, formerly common in lowland Western Europe but now rare and fragmented. Located in the South of England, it has always been an area of public interest and is currently subject to over 20 million tourist visits per year.In 1995 the UK Government proposed 29,000ha of the New Forest area as a candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC) under the EU Habitats Directive.
The Wash National Nature Reserve - Royaume-Uni - Norfolk
The reserve is a mix of open deep water, permanent shallow water, mudflat and saltmarsh. The intertidal mudflats and saltmarshes represent one of Britain's most important winter feeding areas for waders and wildfowl. Natura 2000 site.
Thunersee-Hohgant - Suisse - Steffisburg
Mountain and lake are the dominating elements in the cultural and natural parc Thunersee-Hohgant. It contains a rich mosaic of different habitats that range from bogs to caves, Karren-fields and canyons....
Thurauen Niderholz - Suisse - Flaach
In der Nähe von Marthalen und Rheinau finden sich die lezten grösseren ehemaligen Mittelwälder (Ein Mittelwald ist eine historische Waldbauform, die ihren Namen daher hat, weil auf einer Fläche zwei Bewirtschaftungsformen miteinander kombiniert werden, der Niederwald mit seinen kurzen Umtriebszeiten und einer gleichaltrigen Unterschicht, und der Hochwald mit seinen langen Umtriebszeiten und einer meist ungleichaltrigen Oberschicht, Wikipedia). Es handelt sich um Laubmischwälder. Hier wurde die Thur renaturiert. Es gibt Wanderungsmäglichkeiten entlang der...
Tilleul de Linn - Suisse - Schinznach-Dorf
The name of Linn first appeared on 1306. It is likely that the name comes from a linden or lime trees. Whether the current Lime was already then a stately tree and gave it the name of the community is possible but not proven. According to the legend the Linner Lime was planted at the end of 1668 on the grave of the previously gathered plague deads. The Lime has since the been the guarantee that the plague does not break out again.
Tilos, a 63 sq km island of international importance for resident raptors and migratory bird species as a stopover between Africa and Europe, is characterized by 6 semi-mountainous volumes (300 m.), extensive coastal limestone cliffs, 16 biotopes recognized under 92/43/EEC (with 3 identified as priority biotopes for special protection), 377 native flora species (including 28 orchid species of which 8 are classified as rare), 125 resident and migratory wild bird species (of which approximately 25% are identified in Annex I of 79/409/EEC), a network of fresh water underground springs, forested...
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