Sites naturels Mondoeco

Dans cette rubrique vous trouverez une liste complète des sites naturels, parcs nationales et régionaux, sites natura2000, et Réserves de Biosphère qui sont indiqués sur notres cartes.

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Cité-Ville: Typologie

Lac de Hallwil - Suisse - Seengen
Le tour du lac à pied (bien 21 km) est réalisable en 5 à 6 heures. Le lac recouvre une surface d’environ 10,2 km2, a 8,5 km de longueur et 1,5 km de largeur. Pour ne pas être stressé et disposer du temps nécessaire aux nombreuses curiosités..... Source et infos
Lago delle Buse - Italie - Castello-Molina di Fiemme
Il lago delle Buse, sito Natura 2000, è un piccolo specchio d'acqua di origine glaciale posto verso la testata della Val Cadino, una laterale della Val di Fiemme. Il lago, ricavato all'interno delle rocce porfiriche che caratterizzano tutta la Catena dei Lagorai, è localizzato sopra il limite del bosco in una zona occupata da rododendro (Rondodendron ferruginuem ), ginepro nano (Juniperus communis ssp. nana ) e mirtillo (Vaccinium myrtillus ). Il Lago delle Buse, come gli altri circa 90 specchi d'acqua dei Lagorai, è un tipico esempio di lago oligotrofico di alta...
Lago Nero - Italie - Capriana
Per le sue particolarità botaniche il Lago Nero è stato da tempo segnalato dai botanici come biotopo di interesse vegetazionale e pertanto meritevole di conservazione. Tra le specie di maggiore interesse presenti in quest'area spiccano Scheuchzeria palustris, Andromeda polifolia, Oxycoccus microcarpus, Vaccinium uliginosum, Carex limosa, Carex pauciflora, Rhynchospora alba, Eriophorum vaginatum, Lycopodium inundatum, Betula pubescens. Anche dal punto di vista faunistico il biotopo presenta aspetti interessanti. È infatti una stazione riproduttiva per il tritone alpestre...
Laguna di Nora - Italie - Pula
La laguna di Nora si trova nel territorio del comune di Pula, nella costa sud occidentale della Sardegna. Si estende su una superficie di circa 55 ettari e comprende il ramificato sistema di canali e isolotti che caratterizzano la foce del suo torrente, il Rio Arrieras. Lo specchio d'acqua principale è separato dal mare dalla penisola naturale di Fradis Minoris e da un lungo argine artificiale. La penisola è un interessante esempio di Panchina tirreniana, ricoperta da una rigogliosa vegetazione a macchia mediterranea e dalla flora tipica delle zone umide...
This Natura 2000 site is a wetland of international importance, restoration and management of semi-natural grasslands, reed management, nature education and tourism management, forestry and fish protection are currently going on.
Laki Skoszewskie - Pologne - Powiat de Police
The area consists of vast meadows located in West-Pomeranian voivodship in Stepnica, Wolin and Przybiernow counties, in the eastern part of Zalew Szczecinski (Szczecin Lagoon). It is a bird refuge of European importance. The area is dominated by meadow complexes cut by alder-pine forests and little alder afforestations. The whole region is divided by a net of little canals and ditches. 
Las creencias en el Pirineo - Espagne - Aínsa-Sobrarbe
El recorrido atraviesa de sur a norte la comarca de Sobrarbe, enclavada en el corazón del Pirineo central. Partiendo de Abizanda, en las últimas estribaciones de la sierra de Olsón y viajando hacia el norte por una carretera flanqueada por pantanos, atravesaremos en la primera mitad de la ruta una tierra áspera surcada por barrancos y salpicada de centenarios olivos en campos olvidados. Una vez superada la emblemática villa medieval de Aínsa, vigilados por la mole calcárea de Peña Montañesa, penetraremos en los valles pirenaicos...
Lastovo Islands Nature Park - Croatie - Blato
The Lastovo Islands Nature Park (Lastovo Islands NP) was one of the first protected areas to be designated in Croatia, established in 2006. The area has been able to preserve its natural and cultural heritage due to the fact that it is an isolated and distant archipelago that was a closed military zone until the 1990s. In the last two decades the Lastovo Islands have begun to develop their economy, which is primarily based on tourism, followed by fisheries and small-scale agriculture. The number of tourists visiting the archipelago is increasing each year, especially the number of nautical...
Lawica Slupska - undefined - undefined
Lawica Slupska is the only place on the Polish sea waters, where rich bottom vegetation communities occur in great numbers in great distance from the shore. These communities are characterized by natural qualities. It is a complex ecosystem of interconnected: sea vegetation, invertebrates communities, fish and wintering birds which use find their food base in the area. This uniqueness is also connected with the transparency of water, higher than in coastal waters. The refuge is a Special Protection Area within Natura 2000 network. Ecosystem Name "Lawica Slupska" refers to a...
L'ensemble cristallin du massif de l’Argentera-Mercantour est un carrefour géologique, climatique et paysager : ses reliefs accidentés et ses multiples paysages abritent de riches regroupements de végétaux et d'animaux. Les influences climatiques multiples (méditerranéenne, ligure, alpine et provençale) et l’existence de sommets d'altitude marqué à proximité de la mer ont provoqué une remarquable diversité des milieux naturels. Zone refuge lors des dernières glaciations du quaternaire, le...
Le sentier Blanc Martel - France - La Palud-sur-Verdon
Départ du Châlet de la Maline (8 kms de La Palud sur Verdon D 23). Arrivée à Point Sublime (6 kms D 952). Taxis, navettes nécessaires, balisage rouge et blanc, peu difficile mais 14 km sans échappatoire, caillouteux, échelles aménagées (escaliers metalliques), lampes électriques obligatoires (tunnels), 2 l d'eau/personne. Possibilité de rejoindre Rougon, Chasteuil et Castellane en poursuivant le GR 4.10 ans minimum,chiens interdits
Le vallon de Pouey Trénous - France - Cauterets
Depuis Cauterets prendre la D920 qui passe par la Raillère (commune de Cauterets) et amène en quelques minutes au départ du Pont d'Espagne. Laisser la voiture au Parking des Pountas (payant). Détail de l'itinéraire : Depuis la parking prendre le chemin qui part du départ de la télécabine et mène rapidement au plateau du Clot. Passer devant le Chalet Refuge et prendre le pont qui travers le gave. L'ancienne route conduit au bout de 20 minutes au plateau du Marcadau. Continuer jusqu'au fond du plateau en longeant le gave. Au...
Lebensader Schilde - Network Natura 2000 - Allemagne - Hohen Wangelin
The site is characterized by 2 bogs (Tessiner and Neuendorfer Moor) aswell as the meadows of the river Schilde. The key management issues are the restoration of the bogs, which have been drained deeply over the last decades and stream restoration. After a period of analysing the sites, a management plan for each individual site is in progress, featuring issues as: Restoration of the bogs and river beds, improving of the watercourses, extensive Agriculture, rebuilding of the drainage systems, planting native wetland plants, developing nature oriented tourism to ensure the social and economical...
Les Grangettes - Suisse - Villeneuve
Le site des Grangettes est un haut lieu de l’ornithologie. Chaque année, 20’000 oiseaux d’eau, appartenant à 30 espèces différentes originaires du nord et de l’est de l’Europe, viennent y passer l’hiver. Ce site important de migration et d’hivernage est inscrit depuis 1990 sur la liste des zones humides d’importance internationale protégées par la Convention de Ramsar. Le sentier commence à Villeneuve et passe par - Passerelle des Grangettes - Noville - Villeneuve...
Lonjsko polje - Croatie - Jasenovac
The Lonjsko Polje Nature Park with an area of 50.600 ha is not only the biggest protected wetland area in Croatia, but, as a Ramsar region and Important Bird Area, is one of the most significant conservation regions in Europe. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has placed this park among seven model examples that represent the best planning of nature conservation in rural regions of Central and Eastern Europe. Particular emphasis should be made on the ecological importance of the area, which is uncommon and unique in Europe. Great riverine inundations, among which the...
Los Ancares Nature Reserve - Espagne - Cervantes
Nature reserve which lies between the provinces of Lugo and León, with the part in Galicia covering 7,977 hectares Los Ancares Nature Reserve is home to some of Galicia's most interesting natural ecosystems as well as different mountain villages, places of great anthropological and heritage value.  
MacRitchie Reservoir Park - Singapour - undefined
Green Oasis in the heart of Singapore city. Once you leave the park landscape close to the entrance you'll find a quite amazing trail network of more than 10 km rainforest trail mostly leading along the reservoir lake but which has also some attractions like the treetop trail. On weekends you'll encounter many joggers but there are also more silent spots where you can observe insects and have a close look at plants.
Madres-Coronat - France - Serdinya
Le massif de Madres-Coronat culmine à 2469m, au nord de la chaîne pyrénéenne. Sa vocation historique a toujours été sylvo-pastorale. A partir du large plateau sommital rayonne un réseau hydrographique qui entaille profondément le massif. Le périmètre du site a été redéfini en 2006: il ne concerne plus, désormais, que le versant sud du massif, inclus dans le département des Pyrénées Orientales. Le versant nord, qui appartient au bassin versant de l'Aue, a été...
Magura National Park - Pologne - Jasło County
The Magura National Park was suggested as a Special Area of  Conservation SAC called  Ostoja Magurska. The main reason for the foundation of SAC is the protection of certain determined types of natural habitats and habitats important for the protection of certain species of plants and animals apart from birds. Other suggested SAC which may include the area of the Park is Lysa Gora covering a small part of the Park’s south enclave called Maly Lasek. Bird protection has a special status in Natura 2000 network as in many European countries some areas for birds protection...
Malindi-Watamu Biosphere Reserve is located on the coast of Kenya about 100 km north of Mombasa. Notable physical features of this biosphere reserve are rock platforms, cliffs and sandy beaches. Mida Creek comprises tidal mud flats with fringing mangrove swamps and the biosphere reserve area also includes coral reefs and sea-grass beds. Sub-littoral zone with microscopic marine plants; corals; intertidal sand and mud with marine angiosperms such as Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule wrightii, Thalassia hemprichii etc.; mangroves with Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera cylindrica and Ceriops sp.;...
Marais de Bourtange - Allemagne - Meppen
Before its cultivation in the middle of the 19th Century the Bourtanger Moor was among the largest interconnected the upland moors in central europe and extended over 1,200 km ².  Something sinister and threatening seemed to emanate from him. The image of the vast and hostile landscape, however, has changed. Through settlement, peat extraction and the subsequent agricultural use the moor region has become a mosaic of different landscape types. The spectrum ranges from original and renatured bog areas with their distinct flora and fauna with high protection value to...
Le Parc coordonne les actions du CPIE du Cotentin et du Conservatoire de l'Espace du Littoral (CELRL) pour la mise en œuvre du document d'objectifs Natura 2000 du site des Landes de Lessay et du Havre de St-Germain sur Ay. La communication Natura 2000 est commune aux deux sites. Le Syndicat Mixte Espaces Littoraux de la Manche (gestionnaire des terrains acquis par le CELRL et le Conseil Général de la Manche), le CPIE du Cotentin et le Parc ont conduit une réflexion commune sur la mécanisation de la gestion des espaces naturels dont ils ont la charge. Enfin,...
Le site Massif du Puigmal - Carança, représentant 10 284 ha, est en partie superposé au Site à Chiroptères des Pyrénées Orientales, pour lequel le Conseil général est opérateur. Le site est également situé en position frontalière avec l'Espagne. Plusieurs enjeux environnementaux sont répertoriés dans le Formulaire Standard de Données (FSD) Natura 2000 : conservation du Gypaète barbu, du Desman des Pyrénées, du Lagopède des Pyrénées, du...
Mavrovo National Park - Macédoine - Mavrovo et Rostoucha
Mavrovo’s impressive forests contain more than 100 rare species of trees and its hilltops are rich in wild teas and herbs that can be easily gathered by hand. Lake Mavrovo which is located just beneath the ski center makes the National Park of Mavrovo a very popular weekend resort all year round.  
Mélèze enorme - Slovénie - Kranjska Gora
Die Lärche in Mala Pišnica ist einer der grössten Lärchen in Slowenien. Der Umfang beträgt 422cm, die Höhe beträgt 22m und der Baum hat ein geschätztes Alter von 1050-1700 Jahren.
Mierzeja Sarbska - Pologne - Wejherowo County
The refuge lies within Wybrzeze Slowinskie (the Slowinskie Coast) which is a part of Pobrzeze Koszalinskie (the Koszalin Shoreland). It is situated a few kilometers eastward from Leba and encompasses a narrow sand bar which separates Jezioro Sarbskie (the Sarbsko Lake) from the Baltic Sea as well as a part of seaside marshes located east off the lake. Ecosystem The most valuable element of the refuge are rampart and parabolic dunes - extremely rare on Polish coast. Together with adjoining beaches these habitats cover about 16% of the refuge's area. The vast majority of the area, more than...
Mittelweg - Allemagne - Birkenfeld
A trail through the Schwarzwald starting at Pforzheim and leading to Waldshut (north - south), 230 km. Hikers cross the Enz- and Nagoldtal. Along the trail they will see extensive bogs (Kaltenbronn), reach the Titisee at Neustandt and further the Schluchsee.
Mont soleil - Suisse - Saint-Imier
Le Mont Soleil, avec 1289 mètres d’altitude, est le point culminant de la Montagne du Droit. Il est situé dans le Jura bernois, au nord de Saint-Imier. Son nom, qui fait référence au soleil, est en usage depuis le Moyen Âge, soit bien avant que la centrale solaire photovoltaïque la plus importante de Suisse soit mise en service sur ce sommet en 1992. Randonnée
Moorpfad - Suisse - Biosphère de l'Entlebuch
In 2011 the Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch celebrates its 10 years anniversary. Among the well known hikes you can find the "Moorpfad" - Bog-trail, a roundtrail with a duration of approximately 4 hours which leads through several types of bogs.
Mythen - Suisse - Alpthal
L’unique chemin de randonnée du grand Mythen prend naissance soit à Brunni dans l’Alpthal, soit plus haut sur le Holzegg. On arrive dans l’Alpthal à partir d’Einsiedeln en prenant la direction du sud. Des navettes postales circulent aussi jusqu’à la station du téléphérique de Brunni...... Info et source
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