Siti Natura Mondoeco

In questa sezione i siti natura segnalati da mondoeco, già visibili sulle mappe, sono presentati nella lista sottostante.

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Città-Villaggio: Tipologia

Pindos National Park - Grecia - Egnatia
Pindos National Park (Valia Calda) , is the national park that of mountainous region of "Zesti Koilada", and area rich in pine and beech pine trees. The Park was establised in 1966, it covers an area of 7000 hectares of which 3300 are the center and the rest is the district zone of the the forestry. On the outskirts of the Forestry located are the villages of: Vovousa, Perivoli, Krania, Milia Flampourari, Greveniti and the small town of Metsovo while inside the forest there are no settlements. The purity and the ecological value of the mountainous ecosystem of the Pindos...
Plantasjan - The Park of Vágur - Isole Faroe - Vágur
Plantasjan - The Park of Vágur, is not a proper natural park. Trees do not grow wild in the Faroe Islands. Some villages/towns have planted trees and made in into a park. The park must have fence all around it in order to keep the sheep away. Vágur is one of the villages/towns in Suðuroy (South Island), which is the southernmost of the Faroe Islands.
Pobrzeze Slowinskie - Polonia - słupski
Pobrzeze Slowinskie is a Site of Community Importance. It is wild and inaccessible but beautiful. Here you can find dark forests, swamps, peat bogs and numerous animals as well as areas where dunes move and separate lakes from the sea. Pobrzeze Slowinskie is unique for Poland and Europe area with great landscape and environmental and cultural values. On a small area you can find here different ecosystems: lakes, the sea, rivers, dunes, peat bogs, forests and meadows. It is also a habitat of numerous bird species – enlisted in RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands. Ecosystem Very unique...
Police-Kanaly - Polonia - Police
Police-Kanaly refuge lies in West-Pomeranian voivodeship. It occupies area of 0.5 km² on Police commune. It has been taken under protection within Natura 2000 network because of the biggest habitats of bats in West Pomerania. Bats live in a network of underground canals which are pre-war remains of a factory. In 2003 about 780 individuals of 6 species were wintering here, from which the most important are: Barbastelle bat, greater mouse-eared bat 
Prespa Park - Macedonia - Resen
A particular combination of the Mediterranean and Continental climate, different rock types, isolation on high altitude, together with the longevity of 12 million years have rendered Lakes Macro and Micro Prespa a globally unique flora and fauna. Around the two tectonic lakes – among the oldest on Earth – rich biodiversity has developed. A shelter for over 90 species of migratory birds, Prespa lakes are also home to tens of species that have been officially registered as critically endangered or vulnerable. Among them is the Dalmatian Pelican, one of the largest flying birds in...
Prignitz - Network Natura 2000 - Germania - Nuthe-Urstromtal
Wide flood plain area in the lowlands of East Germany, wet hay meadows, seepage influenced pastures and meadows. running projecys: Rehumidification to stabilize and raise water level by constructing weirs and dams. Building up relationships with local community, theatre, individual high quality information panel. Natura 2000 site.
Przymorskie Blota - Polonia - Ustka
Przymorskie Blota refuge is the Site of Community Importance. As many as nine types of habitats important for the biodiversity of Europe occur here. A valuable element of the ecosystem is Jezioro Modla (the Modla Lake), which is a refuge for wetland birds as well as natural habitat for many vegetation communities. The refuge is a part of "Pas Pobrzeza" Area of Protected Landscape, located westward from the town of Ustka. Ecosystem Most of the refuge area is overgrown with meadow and scrub habitats which cover about 65% of the area. Significant parts are also occupied by deciduous...
Puszcza Kampinoska - Polonia - Łomianki
The National Park was established in 1959 and is one of the best preserved complexes of inland dunes and marshlands in Europe. It is the second largest National Park in Poland, one of the two European National Parks bordering the capital city of their country.
Quercia gigante Sherwwod - Regno Unito - Nottinghamshire
The Major Oak is a huge oak tree near the village of Edwinstowe in the heart of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. According to local folklore, it was Robin Hood's shelter where he and his merry men slept. It weighs an estimated 23 tons, has a girth of 33 feet (10 metres), and is about 800–1000 years old. In June 2002, the Tree Council designated the Major Oak one of fifty Great British Trees in recognition of its place in the national heritage.
Radensko polje - Slovenia - Grosuplje
It is a special Natura 2000 site under the Habitats Directive (pSCI). Wetland, Periodic Lake, Caves... It is a semi karstic area.
The Radensko polje is the smallest of the nine most pronounced karst poljes (flat, steep-walled depressions with no outflowing streams) in Slovenia. It lies in the middle of the Lower Carniola karst region, 3 kilometres southeast of Grosuplje and 30 kilometres southeast of Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia. This area, only a few kilometres wide, includes all the typical karst phenomena, such as karst springs, caves, sinkholes, estavelles, and dry karst...
Raureifwanderung - Svizzera - Lostorf
A particular hike in the mist during winter time. Rime on the trees. This hike starts close to Lindenhof.
Rdum tal-Madonna - Malta - Mellieħa
The site is a peninsular in the North-East of Malta. It’s a wild, rocky area with sheer cliffs and crumbling limestone shores. This spectacular location overlooks the Mediterranean to Gozo and Comino.
The site is important for its garrigue vegetation, typical of Malta, which includes plants such as Wild Thyme (Thymbra capitata), Mediterranean Heath (Erica multiflora) and Maltese Spurge (Euphorbia melitensis). There are a number of orchid species which grow on the site, including the Bumble Bee Orchid (Ophrys bombyliflora), the Scented Bug Orchid (Orchis fragrans) and the Maltese...
Regional Parc Chasseral - Svizzera - Nods
The regional parc Chasseral is the outcome of a common goal to promote the sustainable development of the region paying particular attention to protect local natural, cultural, rural, industrial and craftmanship heredity.....
Regional Parc Doubs - Svizzera - Le Noirmont
The Doubs region offers steep valleys, excellent hikes along the river and magnificient limestone formation.
Regional Park Val d'Hérens - Svizzera - Vernamiège
An important natural element of the regional park Val d'Hélens are the extensive arid grasslands which very high biodiversity value. The regional park contains about 720 ha of such grasslands, about 19 % of the these grassland type in the whole Valais. These biodiversity-hotspots give shelter to about 50 % of the endangered plant species in Switzerland. More than 90 % of these arid grasslands have vanished in the last 60 years..... 
Resca Hotarani Forest - Romania - Resca
The forest is situated in the Olt rivermeadow ,  very close to the river  and still keeps the swamp characteristic , in spite of hydroenergetic improvement that were performed. The vegetation is typical for the steppe and for the oak forests and also for the rivermeadow and aquatic one. The lattest is adapted to floodings and to the humidity and we can find here: osiers, willows, poplars as well as herbaceous species like sedge, water iris and rush.
A Reserva Natural da Serra da Malcata foi criada pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 294/81 de 16 de Outubro (com principal objectivo da conservação do lince ibérico, uma das espécies mais ameaçadas do mundo) e, reclassificada pelo Dercreto-Regulamentar n.º 28/99 de 30 de Novembro. Tem uma superfície de 16 348 hectares e a altitude varia entre os 425 e os 1078 metros. Encontra-se localizada na Região Centro, mais precisamente na confluência das Beiras Baixa e Alta, estando delimitada a Leste pela Serra da Gata, na vizinha Espanha, tendo na...
Reserva Natural das Berlengas - Portogallo - Peniche
A Reserva Natural das Berlengas compreende uma área muito vasta de reserva marinha situada na envolvente do arquipélago. Extensão total aproximada de 9.560 hectares (área terrestre da Reserva - ca. 104 ha; área marítima - ca. 9.456 ha). Arquipélago oceânico composto por numerosas ilhas e rochedos de contorno irregular, com encostas escarpadas, dispostas em três grupos: a Berlenga, as Estelas e os Farilhões-Forcadas. O arquipélago fica situado na Plataforma Continental da fachada oeste da Península...
Outrora, locais como Ovar, Estarreja, Aveiro ou Mira confrontavam-se, directamente, com o oceano. Uma ampla baía antecedeu a laguna contemporânea que adquiriu a sua configuração actual a partir do século X. A acção conjugada de ventos, correntes marinhas e de sedimentos carreados pelos rios criou duas flechas arenosas, uma progredindo de Espinho para sul e outra, subindo em latitude a partir do cabo Mondego. Uma autêntica muralha de areia fechou por completo a baía, impedindo que as águas do mar e dos rios se...
Reserva Natural do Estuário do Sado - Portogallo - Setúbal
Manutenção da vocação natural do estuário, desenvolvimento de actividades compativeis com o equilibrio do ecossistema estuarino ou que possam aumentar a produtividade dos processos naturais, a correcta exploração dos recursos, a defesa de valores de ordem cultural ou cientifíca bem como a promoção do recreio ao ar livre. Resolução do Conselho de Ministros nº 142/97, de 28 de Agosto - cria o Sítio "Estuário do Sado" (proposto para Sítio de Importância...
Reserva Natural do Estuário do Tejo - Portogallo - Vila Franca de Xira
A Reserva Natural do Estuário do Tejo abrange uma área de 14.192 ha, que inclui uma extensa superfície de águas estuarinas, campos de vasas recortados por esteiros, mouchões, sapais, salinas e terrenos aluvionares agrícolas (lezírias). Insere-se na zona mais a montante do estuário, distribuindo-se pelos concelhos de Alcochete, Benavente e Vila Franca de Xira e não excedendo os 11 m de altitude e a profundidade de 10 m. Decreto-Lei n.º 280/94, de 5 de Novembro Cria a Zona de Protecção Especial para Aves...
A Reserva inclui duas Lagoas Costeiras - Lagoas de Santo André e da Sancha - e um sistema de pequenas lagoas de água doce formadas em depressões dunares ("Poços"). Estas Lagoas são exemplos de lagoas costeiras de tipo mediterrânico, um dos tipos de zonas húmidas mais vulneráveis. Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 142/97, de 28 de Agosto: Cria o Sítio Comporta – Galé, proposto para integração na Rede Natura 2000 (PTCON0034).  
Reserva Natural do Paul de Arzila - Portogallo - Coimbra
A Reserva Natural do Paul de Arzila (RNPA) insere-se, administrativamente, na NUT II (Região Centro) e NUT III (Baixo Mondego), repartindo-se pelas freguesias de Arzila, Pereira e Anobra, pertencentes, respectivamente, aos concelhos de Coimbra, Montemor-o-Velho e Condeixa-a-Nova. Dista, aproximadamente, 13 Km da cidade de Coimbra, e, cerca de 12 Km de Condeixa-a-Nova e de Montemor-o-Velho. A RNPA abrange uma área de 535 ha compreendendo duas áreas distintas: a) o núcleo central, com 165 ha, delimitado pela curva de nível dos 10 metros, correspondente...
A Reserva Natural do Paul do Boquilobo localiza-se na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Almonda, afluente da margem direita do Tejo. Ocupa uma área de 816 ha, com uma Área de Protecção Total de 196 ha e uma zona de uso extensivo de 620 ha, na transição entre os terraços fluviais plistocénicos e os aluviões holocénicos da lezíria. A propriedade do Estado ocupa uma área total de 237 ha (em que 146 ha são Área de Protecção Total). Decreto-Lei n.º 384-B/99, de 23 de Setembro Cria...
Desse belo mirante que é o castelo de Castro Marim, mandado erguer por Afonso III em 1242 e em torno do qual cresceu a vila, pode admirar-se o curioso reticulado da paisagem, misto de estuário, sapais, corpos de água salobra, salinas, pastagens, charcos, esteios e extensões sem vegetação. Uma geometria de terras e águas a que o espelho do salgado confere reflexos imprevistos. Actualmente, salinicultura, piscicultura, agricultura e pesca repartem entre si o essencial da exploração dos recursos naturais. A Reserva Natural...
Reuss-plains - Svizzera - Obfelden
Hiking along the Reuss-Plains. Discover remainers of the once vast flood-plains its specific botany and fauna. A good entry point for the hike is Rickenbach bei Ottenbach.
Riedingtal in Zederhaus - Austria - Zederhaus
To the southeast of Salzburg, in the lower Tauern, is this landscape jewel containing not only wild karst and high peaks, but also full with soft valleys and sweet still farmed alms. The harmonic interaction of the broadly intact natural landscape and close-to-nature cultural landscape in the middle of a terrific mountain world with rich alpine flora and fauna offers the purest recreation. 
Rifugio Tournalin Saint Jacques - Italia - Champoluc-champlan
Facile escursione di una giornata. Precauzioni per escursioni invernali 
Rila National Park - Bulgaria - Rila
Rila National Park, the largest national park in Bulgaria, is located about 100 km. south of Sofia, in the central and highest regions of the Rila Mountains. The Park contains rare and endangered wildlife species and communities, self-regulating ecosystems of biological diversity, as well as historic sites of global cultural and scientific significance. Some of the largest rivers in the Balkan Peninsula originate here. The name Rila is derived from the Thracian word roula, meaning ‘lots of water.’
La Riserva delle Montagne della Duchessa, Sito Natura 2000, ha una superficie di 3.000 ha, un territorio corrugato ed aspro, agreste e selvaggio dominato da vasti altipiani e da un suggestivo lago della Duchessa di un blu intenso e cristallino. Montagne di oltre 2000 metri, Monte Morrone (2141 mt. slm) e Murolungo (2.184 mt.),le meno note e chiacchierate di tutto l' Appennino, dove non di rado si incontrano branchi di cavalli allo stato brado. Un paesaggio privo di alberi, dall'aspetto lunare, che ha spinto naturalisti, botanici e archeologia scrivere appassionanti pagine di storia e natura.
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