Siti Cultura Mondoeco

In questa sezione i siti cultura segnalati da mondoeco, già visibili sulle mappe, sono presentati nella lista sottostante.

Puoi finalizzare la tua ricerca per un festival, un avvenimento o un ecomuseo, digitando Città/Località, Paese e tipologia di sito di tuo interesse, nella entry-mask sottostante.


Città-Villaggio: Tipologia

Ecomuseo Usson-en-Forez - Francia - Usson-en-Forez
On the museum site, the nuns had a farm in rent. Long abandoned, this area is reborn today, keeping its original appearance. Background music animates the farm and allows a look back into the past: bells, kestrel, yoke ... Many objects that illustrate rural life.
Ecomuseo Véron - Francia - Savigny-en-Véron
An Ecomuseum to understand an area The Ecomuseum presents exhibitions each year to discover the territory of Véron. These exhibitions explore the various aspects of heritage: history, archeology, science, know-how, the nature ... and are accompanied by a program of lectures and entertainment for all audiences.
Ecomuseo Volksdorf - Germania - Amburgo
The farm in the historical centre of Volksdorf explains how farms in this region were functioning towards the end of the 19th Century. There are different buildings, stables with animals. Finally, it is explained what a "Kohlhoff" is.
Ecomuseum Bergslagen - Svezia - Dalarna
The Ecomuseum is a network that has stretched through Dalarna and Västmanland for 25 years. It consists of seven municipalities working together with tourism based on the rich history of iron making. Included in the network are two museums: The Dalarna and Västmanland county museums. At the various sites you will find charcoal-burning stacks, mines, smelting houses, pit and blast furnaces, hammer mills and forges, workers’ cottages, manor houses, homestead villages, power stations, railways and canals with locks. Local societies with active volunteers help bring to life many...
Ecomuseum Neuhausen - Germania - Neuhausen
Die Ausstellungen widmen sich Themen, die der bäuerlichen Kultur der Region verbunden sind. Gleichzeitig wird versucht, das Blickfeld zu weiten und Aspekte zu thematisieren, die sich so im Gelände nicht auf den ersten Blick finden. Besonderes wichtig ist der thematische Bezug zu unserer modernen Lebenswelt.
Ecomuseum Ruze - Repubblica Ceca - Jílovice
The Ecomuseum Ruze envisions drawing attention to our region in eastern South Bohemia by creating a “museum without walls”. Nature, culture, and history are interpreted on site, involving local communities and using stories, sites, trails, monuments, and other symbols. The key is presenting the regional heritage as a living, dynamic process. The core of the Ecomuseum is a network of historical workshops and working places. Other sites of high natural or cultural heritage value in the landscape will be highlighted as well.  
Ecomuseum Saint Sulpice - Svizzera - Saint-Sulpice
Die Areuse, Quelle allen Reichtums des Val-de-Travers, durchfliesst das ganze Tal. Ein Lehrpfad führt dem Areuse-Ufer entlang und gibt einen Überblick über die aussergewöhnliche Industriegeschichte von Saint-Sulpice. Ein reizendes kleines Wasserkraftwerk, Überbleibsel aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der Industrie, befindet sich zwischen dem ENSA-Kraftwerk und den Quellen der Areuse.
EcoVision - Italia - Palermo
The EcoVision Festival aims to focus on the importance to preserve the environment and the sustainable development and to highlight social questions of a great emergency, in a world wasted by religious, ethnic, political and economic wars, through emergent authors.
The Eco-Museum of Hop-Growing and Brewing Industry in Slovenia, which vas opened at the end of November 2009 in Žalec, is an important axquisition fot the entire Spodnja Savinjsa dolina valley. The stories of the past and present life of hop pickers nd the tools related to hop-picking have been revived and will continue to live in our descendants. 
Ekomuzeum Trzy Kultury - Polonia - Distretto di Bieszczady
Oznakowana 13-kilometrowa ścieżka historyczno-przyrodniczej wokół Lutowisk. Po wykonaniu przez pracowników Nadleśnictwa Lutowiska robót ziemnych na trasie zainstalowaliśmy kierunkowskazy oraz 14 tablic informacyjnych. Teren wokół atrakcji historycznych i przyrodniczych został uporządkowany przez uczniów Zespołu Szkół i pracowników Gminy, powstała niezbędna infrastruktura: 14 drewnianych ławek oraz 2 zadaszone wiaty i miejsce na ognisko.
Ekotopfilm - Slovacchia - Bratislava
Ekotopfilm - International Festival of Sustainable Development Films - with a special place among film festival round the globe. This is due to its focus to provide a great opportunity for a successful communication among the experts from different walks of life - technicians or environmentalists with the aim to search for a consensus in order to solve the burning issues of humankind to achieve sustainable development not only in the Slovak Republic but also globally.
Electric Picnic - Irlanda - Stradbally
Electric Picnic has established itself as a truly unique Irish festival, set amid the rolling lawns of Stradbally Hall, Co Laois, a beautiful 600 acre estate just 50 mins from Dublin. Fine music, art, theatre, comedy, pantomime, holistic health….plus a lot more.
It is devised as a leisure, culture, business, tourist, training, gastronomic centre... with the only objective of showing the culture of wine. In this site you will be able to find all we can offer you. Enter and discover an amazing place. 
Environmental Festival - Belgio - Bruxelles
This event gives you the opportunity to have fun, to meet many people of the environmental institutions or associations and to gather information. Last year, the festival took place on a warm day, with thousands of inhabitants of Brussels who came to know more about the environment, in a good atmosphere. The festival is organized by the IBGE/BIM on the initiative of the Minister of the Environment of the Region of Brussels-Capital, with the participation of the councils of the region.
Eolica - Spagna - La Orotava
Eolica is a great collective multi-artistic celebration, a call to participate from your conscience. A musical-cultural festival unique in its style which feeds exclusively on natural energies, recycles its waste, combines workshops, exhibitions, projections, visits and excursions with performance, theatre, dance, circus, shows, multimedia, and a line-up of more than 50 artists from around the world on four stages.
Eurokaz - Croazia - Zagabria
The International Festival of New Theatre EUROKAZ since its founding in 1987, has presented numerous artists and companies from all over the world and has established itself as the frontrunner theatre festival in South-East Europe. It takes place annually in Zagreb in the second half of June.
Exit - Serbia - Petrovaradin
The EXIT festival  proclaimed a state for those who share values, environmental awareness, and tolerance and are open to the different cultures and also want to make the world around them a better place. 
Fa’ la Cosa Giusta - Italia - Milano
Il Progetto Fa’ la cosa giusta! si propone di diffondere sul territorio nazionale le “buone pratiche” di consumo e produzione, dando vita a eventi in grado di comunicare i valori di riferimento dell’Economia Solidale e valorizzare le specificità e eccellenze del territorio, in rete e in sinergia con il tessuto istituzionale, associativo e imprenditoriale locale.
Festa del Solstizio d'estate - Italia - Cuggiono
Festa della Bioregione del Ticino.  Una festa, una speranza in cammino. .... la strada per un futuro rispettoso dell'uomo e della natura …
Un appuntamento ormai storico per gli appassionati del cinema del sud del mondo, l’unico festival in Italia interamente dedicato alla conoscenza della cinematografia, delle realtà e delle culture dei paesi dell’Africa, dell’Asia e dell’America Latina. Oltre 50 nazioni rappresentate, circa 80 tra film e video proiettati.
Festival Cinematografico Africa - Svizzera - Losanna
Films from African movie makers of today. A chance to learn about changes going on in African countries and to learn about the latest ideas in African cinema.
O Cine’Eco – Festival Internacional de Cinema e Vídeo de Ambiente de Seia, é uma iniciativa que decorre em Seia, anualmente em Outubro e de forma ininterrupta, desde 1995.
Evento biennale che trasforma il centro storico di Cesena in una grande festa gastronomica dove unire convivialità, piacere, culture vicine e lontane, all’insegna della più antica, autentica e gustosa forma di ristorazione. Un sodalizio tra  Arte, Musica, Teatro.
Festival Naturae - Italia - Ravenna
Indagare, esplorare, rimodulare il complesso rapporto tra tra uomo e natura attraverso proiezioni all’aperto, escursioni, concerti, laboratori mostre e degustazioni, dedicate ai quattro elementi: Terra, Fuoco, Aria ed Acqua. Questo l'obiettivo del Festival Naturae.
Festival Wood - Regno Unito - Oxfordshire
Created after the floods of 2007 it's a celebration of music and nature. WOOD is Britain's Greenest festival. The event runs entirely on renewable energy and aims to highlight green issues and through participation promote an ecologically friendly lifestyle, with composting toilets, showers heated by wood-burning stove and a solar-powered stage. You can even spend your time dancing into the night in a bicycle powered 'discotheque'. 
Fête de la Nature - Francia - Parigi
L’Association Fête de la Nature créée par un grand nombre de réseaux dont l’ensemble des 42 réseaux publics et associatifs de protection de la nature rassemblés au sein de l’UICN (Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature) et Terre Sauvage , le magazine de nature édité par Milan Presse (groupe Bayard), lancent la quatrième Fête de la nature.
Fife - Francia - Torcy
Initialement implanté en province, le Festival s’est installé en région Île-de-France en 1992 afin d’élargir son public. L’organisation en fut confiée à l’Arene (Agence régionale de l’environnement et des nouvelles énergies) dont l’une des missions est l’information et la sensibilisation à l’environnement.
Film Festival Centovalli - Svizzera - Borgnone
Piccolo e innovativo Festival ticinese per valorizzare la produzione audiovisiva del Cantone, mantenendo fede al proprio originario spirito popolare. luogo ideale per una vacanza all’insegna del cinema e della scoperta di una natura incontaminata.
Forge-musée - Francia - Étueffont
In Etueffont, village of the country south of the Vosges, the family Petitjean worked the forge for four generations
Forges et moulins de Pinsot - Francia - Pinsot
The Forges and mills of Pinsot are an ecomuseum located in the Haut-Breda valley, 45 minutes from Grenoble and Chambery. The heritage of this place consists of a flour mill, an oil mill for nuts, an blacksmith shop. All the machines run for a hundred years, thanks to the power of water. During the guided visits the mills are set in motion. In the blacksmith shop, a demonstration of blacksmithing using the hammer for the transformation of metal can be seen. The permanent exhibition offers a diverse collection of forged tools, and a film "water, wood, iron and men" gives a vivid image...
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